All the boards I've seen online just show the board before the kid's heights are marked on the board, so I kinda had to figure that part out by trial and error to get what I liked best. I decided to make a line at the height and then add my kid's name and age.
I've decided to mark my kids on their birthday (give or take a few days) so that I can have each mark a year apart. I've always written down my children's height, weight, and other stats from all their annual doctor appointments, so I was able to go back to their birth weight that way even though I hadn't been measuring them and marking it down myself each year.
I also hung a picture of each of my kids next to the chart...that I'll change out as they grow.
The challenge I had was how to hang it up...if I hung it up with the standard picture hangers you can attach, my kids would just bump it or tug on it and it would fall down. Not I actually decided to hang it up on the wall that is next to the refrigerator. Our fridge sidles up to a wall, so on the opposite side of that wall, we just screwed the board to the wall from the back. We pulled the fridge out, attached 3 screws through the wall (top, middle, and bottom) to the back of the board. Since that side of the wall is hidden by the fridge, I wasn't worried too much that the screw would be visible and just slid the fridge back in.
The only thing I didn't like about how this turned out was that every knot is more noticeable when you stain the wood.