I used magnets that I had on hand from Michael's when I used a 40% off coupon - love those coupons! And I have scrapbooking flowers that I used.
- Superglue the clip to the magnet, then glue the flower on top to cover up the magnet.
- I got on the computer and printed out the first letter of the girl's names I was making these for
- Cut out the letters to go in the center of the flower
- Using diamond glaze, cover the letter/paper to add dimension and shine ** the lady's blog I found this idea on used a laminator to laminate the letters - but I don't have a laminator - sad, I know. I couldn't find the diamond glaze anywhere, so I bought it online at Jo-Anns. They didn't have it in their stores by me, but they did online, weird.
- Let the glaze dry overnight
- Glue the letter on the flower
- Voila - you're done
I made these for the YW in my ward (church) that went to Girl's Camp this week. They have "mailboxes" that the leaders put something in each day, and I didn't want to do the traditional candy/note combo. I know that when I went to Girl's Camp, I always came home so upbeat and ready to read scriptures more, so I made a Daily Scripture Chart for them to hang on the clip and put it on their fridge. Here's the link to the document I made for the check off sheet.
Oh my gosh, I looooove these! I think I'll make some for my classroom, but instead of doing letters I'll do numbers. Then, I could paper together 1st period with the #1 clip and so on :)