I saw this idea for
birthday calendars on Eighteen25. I thought it was cute and small, so it didn't take up a lot of room. I'll just have to find someone to write in the names on the lines for me since I don't have cute handwriting :)
You can hang it on the wall, lean it against a wall, or hang it up since the clip has a handy hold to hang it with already.
What I did different:
*I didn't trim the calendars on the bottoms along the line you are suposed to cut - just trimmed the top and sides. That way the calendar went closer to the bottom of the clipboard - more centered and didn't leave a big gap like in the example (just an OCD of mine). I just used the strip of paper to cover the line that still showed.
*Since I left my calendars a little longer, I ended up cutting my strips of patterened paper to 1.25" tall instead of the 1" in the example.
First problem I ran into...I couldn't find these 6"x9" clipboards at Michael's anymore. I went to 2 different Michael's stores before an employee told me he thought they were just a seasonal item (why would clipboards be seasonal?) So I tried Jo-Anns - no clipboards...Wal-Mart - only plastic, neon mini clipboards. So, I went to Office Depot as my last resort. I figured they would be there, but probably expensive, so I was avoiding them. I was right - $2.50 for the clipboard compared to the .99 cent one in the example. Oh well.
Second problem...these clipboards didn't have screws attaching the clip to the board. They were riveted on and not removable. So if I want to paint the board, I'll have to tape it off and paint it really careful. So for now, it's not painted. But I'm having a hard time thinking of a color besides white, that would match all the different papers I glued to the calendar pages.