It was supposed to close Oct. 30th so we could paint and do some repairs before moving in and having the baby, but it's been in underwriting for about 3 weeks and they keep telling us "next week" it will close. I don't believe them anymore. But we had already given our notice to our apartment manager and they've re-rented our apartment, so we will be homeless starting Dec. 5th - the same day I come home with the new baby from the hospital.
So we have to put almost all our stuff in storage and move in with my in-laws. I'm not looking forward to this - I want to be in my own home with my own things when I come home with a new baby - not living out of suit cases for a few weeks and being cramed in where there's room for us. Plus, I'm a big one on privacy, so that's not going to be fun either to try and nurse the baby or heal from the surgery in someone else's home - and they have a dog - and I don't like dogs (paper route days as a child and I don't trust them - they can attack anyone at anytime without reason) :(
Anyway, the reason I was posting was to say that I have a few posts scheduled for the next week or so, but then after that, I will be MIA from blogger until our house closes and I can unpack and am healed from having the baby.

hope your labor and delivery goes smoothly!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad Jeff could help and hope that everything will go well. Let us know if you need help painting or anything to get your home ready when you close. Good luck! I'm excited to see the next little Gerke cutie.
ReplyDeletewow! I know the feeling. We lived in a different state for awhile and bought a house there. Then got a different job back home and moved again. This was 2 1/2 years ago. We lived in an apartment until 1 week before baby 2 was born. Our renters stopped paying so we moved in with my inlaws and have been there ever since. My baby is now 6 1/2 months old. I had all the same issues as you have but for us (and hopefully for you) everything will work out. I have decided its all in my attitude as to how things will go. It is up to me to take control of my life even though I can't control the situation. Good luck and I hope everything goes great for you!
ReplyDeletebless your heart. I will pray for everthing with the baby to go smoothly and that you get into your new house asap!!
ReplyDeleteGood luck! I wouldn't be excited to do any of that either. I have have to have C sections and they are no fun! But good luck bring that sweet little girl into the world!
ReplyDeleteGood luck with your c-section and moving. I have a c-section scheduled for the end of December.
ReplyDeleteAhhh! So sorry you have all that to deal with before the baby comes. Hopefully you will have more than one miracle happen in the next week. Good luck. I would hate bringing my new baby home to my in laws!!
ReplyDeleteGood luck from another C-section veteran. :) Take care of yourself!
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh! I usually don't podt things on other people's pages, but I am so sorry for your situation! Just having a baby is stress enough! But just think how grateful you'll be when you are in your new house after going through all this. Good Luck!!!!
ReplyDeleteHey there! I just had a c cetion and a girl a few weeks ago, and my heart goes out to you. I love you site and hope you don't stay away too long, GL with everything!