Super easy - just 4 pillows stuffed into 4 compartments in a long piece of fabric. Easy to make, take apart, and wash!
I didn't want to make multiple ones, so I used a cute, girly print for one side and solid gray for the other side - more boy-ish. Perfect for laying down to read or watch a little Dora and Diego!
The tutorial said she found pillows at IKEA for 99 cents, so I made a trip the next day. They were $1.29 at my store, but that was still an awesome deal. And I didn't want to buy an expensive duvet cover, so I used some flat sheets that I had laying around. No one really uses flat sheets, so they are always in awesome shape if you find them in your linen closet or even at thrift stores.
Since I was making it out of fabric insead of an already-made duvet cover, it took a lot longer, but it was fun to make. I did get confused in one point of the tutorial about making the pocket flap for the pillow. I made one but it doesn't work at all. So I will need to add 1 or 2 snaps to each opening to keep it cute and closed. But I gave the snap kit back to my mom, so I'll need to borrow it again.
And since my kids are still so small, I can fold the top pillow section over to make a double pillow for their little heads. But they both woke up from nap and instantly plopped down on it. I love when they like things that I made for them.

Thats very cool! I was having a hard time picturing what this would look like. Great idea. I put the snaps in my car to bring to you next time I come. :)