Monday, May 3, 2010

Denim Baby Book

During Dana & Rae's "Celebrate the Boy" month in February, I found this idea. I adapted it for my little girl though. My favorite pages are the front cover and the back. I used cookie cutters and text/images I made for all the pages.

I also rounded the corners and added piping along the outside edges. This was time consuming to make, but I really enjoyed making it last weekend. I also made a boy one for a baby shower I'm going to tomorrow. I used cookie cutters and images I drew for that one as well. I'll post that later this week with the rest of the items I made.

Here is the front: Here are the inside pages: Here is the back:


  1. O wow, this is so stinkin' cute!! I adore it!! I just learned how to cut fabric with my cricut, so I may be able to swing something like this :) Love the denim!

  2. That is amazing!! I wish I could do that.
    I wish I am WA so I can learn from you and hang out with you and Ethan and Emeree!!

  3. Really, really cute. I love the cherries the most. :)

  4. I featured this idea with a roundup of fun baby ideas:

    Thanks so much!!

  5. What a cute book! Love the cupcake. Thanks for stopping by the Cupcake Carnival! Be sure to come back for all the giveaways!

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